Electric & Manual Meat Grinders


We at Homebutcher know that kitchen equipment isn’t just about the knives. While knives can be a chef’s best friend, other tools can be essential to have around in your delicious work space. There are two types of meat grinders; electric and manual. Both may be self-explanatory in their titles, but never the less, both can get all the necessary kitchen work done with a fine performance. For those new to the cooking world, meat grinders are used to mix together raw or cooked meats or any other foods. Without further ado, we’d like to introduce you to Homebutcher’s stock of meat grinders.

#35 Manual Meat Grinder. This heavy duty cast iron meat grinder makes for a reliable and durable job when you’re mixing meats. While this is a strong and durable device, it’s tin-plate makes it stationary and also attractive amongst the other kitchenware. This item also comes complete with 3 knives and 3 plates.

Pro-Cut KG-12-FS Meat Grinder. Fitted for #12 plates, this meat grinder runs on a ¾ hp 110v motor and grinds 430 lbs. While the body of cabinet and pan are stainless steel, the head auger and end ring are made up of cast iron. This Pro-Cut comes complete with a 3/16 pan, a knife, and 1-year parts & labor warranty.

Pro-Cut KG-22W #22 1hp Meat Grinder. A fantastic highlight of this item is that it’s incredibly easy to clean. Its deep pan results in a machine that can take almost anything as it grinds up to 1300 pounds per hour on a 1HP (M-22 R1) motor. There are no limits to Pro Cut KG-22’s setting; feel free to use it in restaurants, supermarkets, butcher shops, etc. Comes with a 1-year parts & labor warranty.

Pro-Cut KG-32-MP Single Phase. Efficient, fast, and long-lasting - running on a 3HP motor, this meat grinder can handle up to 55 lbs per minute. The large throat diameter makes for fast feeding so you can get the quality of work you desire while being quick. Its headstock and screw are tin-dipped, making for an extreme hygienic tool.

Our stock of electric meat grinders can be found here: homebutcher.com/collections/electric-meat-grinders and our stock of manual grinders can be found here: homebutcher.com/collections/grinder-manual. Availability varies on items.

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  • Olivia Hayse